We specialize in many different facets of engineering disciplines:

Heating, Ventilation & Air-Conditioning
We design highly energy-efficient HVAC systems, from earth-coupled closed-loop water-source heat pump systems to variable speed chillers and chilled water systems to sophisticated all-air VAV systems and state-of-the-art VRF systems.
We take our consulting role very seriously, listening to client needs and considering all the alternatives before we produce electrical drawings and specifications. We help you find the best solution for each specific application in your design.
We advocate and design high-efficiency domestic water heating, using both storage and continuous-flow types of equipment. We track flushing performance of tank-type water closets and developments in ultra-low-flush and waterless urinals.

Lighting Design
We are at the forefront of design in the local lighting community. We have established a reputation for understanding and utilizing many different technologies, both old and new, to achieve maximum effect in our clients' projects.
We believe that Commissioning is a worthwhile process, and when employed with integrity and hard work, it can add value to virtually any project. We take our Commissioning seriously, and are prepared to get involved in your project at any stage.